Friday, March 6, 2020

Examples of Chemistry in Daily Life

Examples of Chemistry in Daily LifeI would say that examples of chemistry in daily life are more important to understand than other things. You may know what these examples are but how can you put them into practical terms for you and the people you meet? I will try to get you thinking about examples of chemistry in daily life and what can be done to help change this.Many people who work in a lab may find examples of chemistry in daily life very frustrating. These things are not as easy to understand as they seem to be. The first example is a really long time, but worth the effort to understand it.I like to use a table of salt water solution, and let it sit on the table for several minutes before adding any amount of liquid (which will be the alcohol or other solvent I am using). When I have a good solvent in the solution, I can then add the water and shake the solution. Usually, when I do this, the solution is not as clear as I would like it to be, so I will add another couple of dr ops of solvent and shake again.When the solution turns clear, I will know I have used enough solvent and I am ready to add the solute. If the solution is still not clear enough, I will add another drop of solvent and continue until the solution is clear.Another time that I use examples of chemistry in daily life is when I need to make a good product. I may be working with acid, which can change the color of the solution, or in some cases, the strength of the solution, if you are working with strong solvents. When I use acid solutions, I often find that I cannot get a clear solution, and I will often add more acid to get the color/strength I want.When this happens, I will be able to add the solution one more time, and this time, I will usually add it over a small section of the solution, so I know where the problem areas are. Once I get the solution right, I will simply add another small section of solution to continue the process.As I said, examples of chemistry in everyday life are more important than many things we do in our work life. These are good examples to remember, so that whenever you need to do something, you do it using examples of chemistry in everyday life.

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